
How Mobile Wallets are Impacting eCommerce

New Technology from Apple Pay and Android Pay is Changing eCommerce

Mobile wallets are continuing to revolutionise the way in which consumers interact with brands.
Not only are consumers able to pay at brick-and-mortar stores using their smart phones,

Understanding Account Takeover Fraud

Learn How Account Takeover Fraud is Impacting Both Consumers and Merchants

Recent changes to payment industry technology have added a new layer of protection for consumers concerned about credit card fraud. Adopting the new EMV standards has alleviated many consumer and merchant fears of stolen credit cards and unauthorised transactions.

What Is a Chargeback Fee?

It can be an insult added to injury: merchants who experience a chargeback are assessed an additional, nonrefundable fee on top of their lost revenue.
When a cardholder disputes a transaction, the bank performs a chargeback. 

Bitcoin FAQs

Are you considering accepting Bitcoin at your business? Here’s what you need to know.

What are Bitcoins?

As merchants continue to develop their online shopping experience for customers, the demand for secure, widely accepted digital currency has grown.

The Five-Step Cheat Sheet for Handling Chargebacks

It is the merchants’ worst nightmare: their bank account is empty, they can’t process credit card transactions, and customers are frustrated. Unfortunately, this nightmare is a reality that happens all-too-often for merchants who are unfamiliar with handling chargebacks.

As Close to 100% Chargeback Protection as Possible!

Merchants Don’t Have to Accept Chargebacks—There are Ways to Fight Back

Chargebacks cost merchants more than €40 billion every year.
Additionally, thanks to fees and other associated costs, merchants lose €3.34 for every one euro of the original transaction when customers demand a chargeback.

Can I Win a Chargeback Reversal?

Don’t Stand by and Do Nothing—Let Us Show You How to Fight Chargebacks

Chargebacks are a massive problem in the ecommerce environment.
Card-not-present merchants lose upwards of €40 billion annually in profits, merchandise and fees as a result of chargebacks.

Improve Customer Service: The Best Line of Defense

Tips to Help Improve Customer Service and Prevent Chargebacks

The most common types of chargebacks – ones in which an unsatisfied customer goes straight to the issuing bank for a refund – are actually more preventable than most merchants probably think.

The Secret to Success: A Chargebacks911 Review

The following is a Chargebacks911 review with an overview of the company and highlights of special features.
New entrepreneurs and startups are always on the lookout for insider secretes that will give them a competitive edge.